
During this week's Corona Geek Ed Maurina, developer of Corona SDK game templates at Roaming Gamer, walked us through a Corona SDK code snippet that makes your game characters jump. Using Corona's built in physics engine, we applied force to a single character and then added a second character to show how easy it is to handle touch events for multiple objects using the same function....

Jeff Marshall, Founder at CrossInstall, has a long background in game development, ad networks, and app monetization platforms. He has built several ad network companies, most recently CrossInstall. Jeff also has 15+ years of experience building games on consoles, social networks and mobile platforms. Jeff is also a Corona SDK veteran, and has released several games for iOS and Android with the platform. As our newest Corona Plugin partner, CrossInstall is an ad network that focuses on driving quality traffic for advertising partners and delivering top payments to publishing partners. For more information, please see the CrossInstall...

During Monday's Corona Geek Hangout we shared that Corona SDK now supports HID controllers, which means you can now target Ouya, GameStick game controller, MOGA Pro, PS 3 controller, NVIDIA Shield, along with Bluetooth keyboards and mice (all HID devices). Here's a snippet from the Hangout where Snake Head Software Founder, Gerald Bailey, raised the important question of what do these controllers mean for mobile games. Roaming Gamer, Ed Maurina, responded with a answer that offers up some good perspective....