Introducing new non-revenue-share AppLovin plugin

Introducing new non-revenue-share AppLovin plugin

applovinCorona Labs provides a wide selection of monetization plugins that fit various developer/business needs, from premium paid options to alternative options which entail no up-front fee. The original AppLovin plugin was designed in the “revenue-share” model where developers can use it for free, but Corona Labs takes a small percentage of the earned ad revenue.

Now, we are pleased to announce that we provide both options for AppLovin, aimed at accommodating different Corona developers and business models:

  • The original revenue-share version in which Corona Labs takes a fixed 5% flat rate from earned ad revenue.
  • A new AppLovin Paid version of the plugin without any revenue-share component — this version lets you keep 100% of your ad revenue and allows you to manage your account/settings with AppLovin directly.

Like our other premium monetization plugins, AppLovin Paid is available for $199/year in the Corona Marketplace.

If you are a current AppLovin user and you want to switch from the revenue-share version to the paid version, follow this basic process:

  1. Visit the Corona Marketplace and purchase the AppLovin Paid plugin.
  2. In your build.settings file, change the plugin entry from "plugin.applovin" to "plugin.applovin.paid".
  3. Update any require() statements in your code, for example
    local applovin = require( "plugin.applovin.paid" ).

If you haven’t used AppLovin before, please visit our integration documentation and follow the instructions to get up and running.

API updates

In addition to this new plugin, we’ve updated the applovin.load() API for both versions to be more in line with our other monetization plugins. Previously, this API had an obscure method to load interstitial ads versus rewarded video ads. Now, you can call this API with a string like applovin.load("rewardedvideo") or applovin.load("interstitial"). Of course, we have maintained backward compatibility with the old syntax, but we recommend updating to the new format.

Get the AppLovin Paid plugin

Rob Miracle
[email protected]

Rob is the Developer Relations Manager for Corona Labs. Besides being passionate about helping other developers make great games using Corona, he is also enjoys making games in his spare time. Rob has been coding games since 1979 from personal computers to mainframes. He has over 16 years professional experience in the gaming industry.

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